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Gemini Rose
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    Twins appreciation


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    Twins appreciation - Page 15 Empty Re: Twins appreciation

    Post by ghoul-girl Thu Feb 02, 2012 5:11 am

    @Mrs.Takagi - those are so sweet Onion Daydreaming

    Sorry I don't talk much on here guys, I'm super shy around people Corner of Woe

    I've been trying to get better at digital painting, and a while ago I did one of cheshire cat Manpei and Shinpei. I dunno if it's any good but I thought you guys might like to see! If only they did the wonderland episode in the live action! Onion Love
    This is the painting from my DeviantART account:
    Twins appreciation - Page 15 7472f1257222f73069c1522daa78ac66-d4kwxls
    #1 Takagi Princess

    Posts : 867
    Location : Manpei and Shinpei's apartment in Japan

    Twins appreciation - Page 15 Empty Re: Twins appreciation

    Post by Mrs.Takagi Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:30 am

    ghoul-girl wrote:@Mrs.Takagi - those are so sweet Onion Daydreaming

    Sorry I don't talk much on here guys, I'm super shy around people Corner of Woe

    I've been trying to get better at digital painting, and a while ago I did one of cheshire cat Manpei and Shinpei. I dunno if it's any good but I thought you guys might like to see! If only they did the wonderland episode in the live action! Onion Love
    This is the painting from my DeviantART account:
    Twins appreciation - Page 15 7472f1257222f73069c1522daa78ac66-d4kwxls

    @ ghoul-girl

    Thanks for the compliments! Very Happy It's funny that I even came up with those because I've spent the past week trying to come up with some good Takagi-related writing material and yet it took me less than 30 minutes to make up both of those "letters" off the top of my head during my classes yesterday. . . Neutral

    And by the way. . .WELCOME! cheers Please don't by shy, everyone here is a very kind, obsessed fangirl lol
    And I definitely think this page could use some more fangirls. . .the more the merrier, right?

    Now about your digital painting. . . .IT'S FREAKING AMAZING!!

    I spent almost 5 minutes just staring at it with my mouth hanging wide open. . . affraid

    I have no idea how you did it, but you did an awesome job, I LOVE it!! The details make it look very life-like. (Did it take you a long time to complete?)

    Now I want to see the twins dressed as chesire cats in real life!! Onion Tantrum

    Thanks again for the awesome picture, ghoul-girl ^_^ If you plan on hanging around here more often in the future, please feel free to say/post anything that tickles your fancy, 'kay? Smile

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    Twins appreciation - Page 15 Empty Re: Twins appreciation

    Post by SariLee Thu Feb 02, 2012 6:43 pm

    ghoul-girl wrote:
    Twins appreciation - Page 15 7472f1257222f73069c1522daa78ac66-d4kwxls

    HOLY CRAP!!!!! When I first saw that, I thought it was an actual picture! You have some amazing talent! Please stay on here with us and continue to grace us with these AMAZING paintings! I wish they did the Wonderland episode in real life too...

    @Mrs. Takagi, I loved your letters! They really seemed like something the twins would actually say, you really captured them!

    Now I feel like I'm not contributing... Corner of Woe I put my video on hiatus for a while cause I'm working on a Mei-chan one with a friend, and I haven't been in a drawing mood lately. But my goal is to finish my Ouran video by Valentine's day! Onion Thumbs Up
    #1 Takagi Princess

    Posts : 867
    Location : Manpei and Shinpei's apartment in Japan

    Twins appreciation - Page 15 Empty Re: Twins appreciation

    Post by Mrs.Takagi Thu Feb 02, 2012 8:39 pm

    Hey, Sari-chan!

    I'm glad you liked my letters Very Happy

    I always say that my creativity is best when I'm bored. . .lol I was in class just daydreaming on Wedesnday and I literally just started writing down words that I could hear Man saying to Shin.

    And then a few hours later I thought up what Shin might say to Man. I'm happy that I got their personalities just right, that was the only hard part. I feel like I can really get into their heads from just reading their blogs.

    Although since my personality and writing style is a lot like Manpei's I think that his "letter" was the easier one to come up with lol If I get hit with some more inspiration next week, I'll post up more spur of the moment Takagi blurbs Razz

    And don't feel like you're not contributing Sari-chan Hug Between Jade-sama translating blogs for us once in a while, Rena-chan editing photos and me making up my own Takagi nonsense, I'm sure we'll be fine lol

    I'm looking forward to your video whenever you get done with it. I'm not going ANYWHERE (trust me).

    I was actually just wondering the other day about the progress of the subtitles coming out for Indigo no Yoru. I know that Megaupload is history now, so I wonder if that project has been put on hiatus or if it's been terminated completely. . . Crying or Very sad

    I guess I'll stick around until I hear some news about it.

    Lastly. . . .LOOK WHAT AWESOME THING I FOUND!!!!!!!!!!

    Here's a little sneak peak. . .


    Here's the link to the site where I found the pictures:


    When I first saw this about an hour ago, I didn't know what I wanted to do first:
    scream, have a heart attack, or toss my pants in the air. . . Big Laugh


    Oh my word, for a guy who usually looks like an overgrown toddler. . .he can look really handsome and manly when he wants to. . . Onion Nosebleed

    The person who posted these (who I give full credit too) said she would be posting more "Donden" related goodness very soon.
    I'll be sure to update if/when this happens Cool

    [Update: Manpei just posted to his blog about an hour ago. I'm not even going to try to decipher what he was talking about because the translation that I got makes negative sense. . . Rolling Eyes He posted an adorable picture though Smile He's hugging something but I can't quite tell what it is. . .can you guys tell? lol


    Ryu Rena
    Ryu Rena
    Chairman of Picture Edits

    Posts : 572
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    Twins appreciation - Page 15 Empty Re: Twins appreciation

    Post by Ryu Rena Fri Feb 03, 2012 2:11 am

    Onion Cursed/Down I haven't been here in quite a while..all because I was swamped with homework. BUT I have the next 4 days off (my school has a lot of holidays Onion Laugh ) so I'm going to reply all these posts like never before!!

    First off;..

    Mrs.Takagi wrote:
    Mrs.Takagi wrote:A Letter From Manpei To Shinpei

    To my younger brother

    Well, it seems like we've been together for a long time, hasn't it?

    Twenty-six years, we've been together

    We've had so many tough times

    But a lot of happy times too

    We've grown up so much

    My little brother has changed so much!

    Even though there are times when you drive me crazy

    and you say and do things that make me mad

    There's no way I can go on without you

    You listen to me when I need to talk

    You comfort me when I'm feeling lonely

    You scold me when I act too selfish

    Your energy and childish ways make me smile

    And put my heart at ease whenever I feel tense

    If it weren't for you, I don't think I would have come to Tokyo on my own

    It may be hard for me to say at times

    But I'm very grateful to you

    My best and oldest friend

    Let's keep working hard together from now on

    I will always be by your side supporting you

    As your twin, I will always be here for you

    You know that, right?

    It's because we're a team, right? (laughs)

    Shin-chan, let's do our very best!

    Letter From Shinpei to Manpei

    To my brother Manpei

    My rival

    My best friend

    Sometimes you can really upset me

    Sometimes you make me feel really happy

    Sometimes I can't understand you at all

    There are even times when you really suprise me

    But you always look out for me

    And give me advice

    You're very kind and you always do nice things for me

    Even when I don't deserve it (laughs)

    You always work hard

    And you never give up

    You're also very cool ^_^

    From when we were born

    to when we were little kids

    to high school

    and even moving to the capital

    I could always find you by my side

    With you

    I can always be myself

    Just Shinpei

    When we're together

    That's when I feel the most happy

    And that's why I'll always say. . .

    Well. . .


    You are the most precious to me

    I'm so proud of you, and I'm proud to be your twin!

    Let's continue to do our best together, ne?
    Very Happy

    I SO LOVE THIS!!!! Onion Starry Eyes Onion Starry Eyes Onion Starry Eyes Onion Starry Eyes Onion Starry Eyes Onion Starry Eyes

    It's so sweet, so loving, just what they would say to each other!! Takagi-senpai, you really know how to play with words, ne? I normally have my own stories, but I post them in fanfiction. And of course, the pairing is none other than the Hitachiins themselves.
    I should create a livejournal account so I can post any Manpei/Shinpei stories there. But I'm so busy..I don't know if I can find the time to write.. Onion OTL


    ghoul-girl wrote:Twins appreciation - Page 15 I_hate10

    Girl, that is some AWESOME picture!!! Onion Thumbs Up I was staring at it for a good few minutes, and I can't even look away! Is it alright if I edit this picture? Put a frame, make it into a collage? I've been digging through the twins' blogs for a good ol' picture but so far..the quality from their old phones aren't great.

    And I'm running out of pictures which means, I'm also running out of ideas on what to do with the editing website. So...it might be hard to create new picture edits. But I still accept requests! Onion Thumbs Up


    SariLee wrote:I put my video on hiatus for a while cause I'm working on a Mei-chan one with a friend, and I haven't been in a drawing mood lately. But my goal is to finish my Ouran video by Valentine's day! Onion Thumbs Up

    cheers I can't wait to see your video, Sarilee-senpai!! And I have this picture edit of Manpei and Shinpei I really REALLY want to share with all of you. That one edit is actually my favourite, and I'm not saying it because I'm the editer, but because..I don't know, it's just so pleasing. And I made is specifically for Valentines.

    Anyways..I hope you put in some extra Takagi-love in your video, Sarilee-senpai. Onion Daydreaming Really can't wait to see it! :3 Nodding


    Wow..that was some novel Manpei wrote in his blog. Shocked And of course, Google translate is less than helpful. The only part I can make out is that he's got a new hairstyle, again, and getting the symptoms of flu / cold.
    Lol, he's telling us to wear warm sweaters and thick clothes for winter but he's the one wearing a one-piece thin shirt and a jacket.

    Really Manpei.. Rolling Eyes be glad that Shin-chan's there to help you get through all those sick days. And I'm not sure what exactly is it that he's holding...

    Aahh..yeah, I kinda edit this picture of Shinpei after that divorce of his with Manpei. For unknown reason, the caption kind of...jumped into my head when I saw the look in his eyes.

    Twins appreciation - Page 15 Takagi12

    I did one for Manpei some time ago, now it's Shinpei's turn! Onion Laugh
    Ryu Rena
    Ryu Rena
    Chairman of Picture Edits

    Posts : 572
    Location : Malaysia

    Twins appreciation - Page 15 Empty Re: Twins appreciation

    Post by Ryu Rena Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:33 am

    Everybody, Shinpei just updated his blog and the picture is..umm..I think his name's Sotaro. Google translate... Wall ... Onion I just can't say anything anymore. He also mentioned something about cold, flu and asking everyone to wear thick clothes during winter.

    Onion Starry Eyes He's so caring~.. Is it because Manpei got a cold? Did you treat him well Shinpei? Did you~~~??? Cunning Onion Cunning Onion These two just fuel my imagination more and more. My wish is..that they SHARE A SCARF TOGETHER!! Onion Laugh I find it really cute, use a long, long scarf that can wrap around both their necks while they walk next to each other. And let one of them forgot a glove (if they wear any) so that the other can hold his hand.
    I think Shinpei should forget to wear a glove, remember that one time he wore mismatched socks? I laugh a good deal of time at that.
    And then Manpei would hold his hand to keep it warm.. Onion Nosebleed

    Ah..rambling there. Shin also said something about getting a lot of likes on his facebook page, but I'm not sure about that, the grammar's a little crazy to make sense. And that's all that I can understand from Shin's new post, sorry if it isn't much. I wish Jade-senpai's here to translate it for us.. Corner of Woe I miss her.

    By the way, I took the liberty to edit ghoul-girl's picture. Ghoul-girl-san!! I hope you don't mind about this, I merely spruce it up with a fancy collage and a frame. Very Happy

    Twins appreciation - Page 15 Happy_15

    I don't know why the theme's halloween, maybe because of the grand staircase behind it. But I see it as halloween, not Alice in Wonderland, and I have no explanation why. Neutral
    I hope you all like it, nonetheless. Smile
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    Twins appreciation - Page 15 Empty Re: Twins appreciation

    Post by SariLee Sat Feb 04, 2012 7:01 pm

    Ryu Rena wrote:

    Twins appreciation - Page 15 Takagi12

    My face smacked the screen and I still didn't get ravished! Dammit! One of these days...

    Also, I dreamed last night that Shinpei took me horseback riding! It was awesome!

    *Ahem* Anyway, that picture you posted Mrs. Takagi...those cheetah print cardigans.... Onion Splutter I can't stop laughing...Those boys' fashion senses never cease to amaze me. I feel like they could totally pull that look off if they wore jeans instead instead of those gray pants....(my clothing store sales lady came out there...man, why did I have to work in fashion?! Headesk Sweatdrop )

    And that picture of Shin holding the microphone...totally thought he was in a Dracula costume for a second...I don't know why.. Wall ... Onion

    Oh Manpei and your constant sickness...I say we send him a group get well card! (with a friendly note at the bottom reminding him to wear warmer clothes). Anyone with me?...Anyone? Onion Breeze
    Ryu Rena
    Ryu Rena
    Chairman of Picture Edits

    Posts : 572
    Location : Malaysia

    Twins appreciation - Page 15 Empty Re: Twins appreciation

    Post by Ryu Rena Sun Feb 05, 2012 9:24 am

    I believe we all wanted to be ravished by him, or Manpei, or both (now that's some ACTION!)... We should just kidnap them, pay a good amount of cash for some elite spies and ask them to bring Man-chan and Shin-chan here. Twisted Evil

    And I agree on the get well card! We can put your hand-drawn pictures, and I can create a front page of the get well soon card and everyone else can send in whatever they want Very Happy And yes, we should remind him to wear warmer clothes. Machoness has its limit and place, but when it comes to Shinpei, you can show him your machoness ALL day, Manpei. Cunning Onion
    #1 Takagi Princess

    Posts : 867
    Location : Manpei and Shinpei's apartment in Japan

    Twins appreciation - Page 15 Empty Re: Twins appreciation

    Post by Mrs.Takagi Sun Feb 05, 2012 1:05 pm


    I'm back! Cool

    Sorry for being on hiatus these past few days (excuses, excuses. . .)

    Rena-chan, that "ravishing" picture you made of Shin had me in a tizzy for the longest time Onion Daydreaming
    That's a very sexy look for him, and even though I adore the chubby cuteness of his face now, he was pretty hot in his "pre-chubby" days as well hehe

    RyuRena wrote:I believe we all wanted to be ravished by him, or Manpei, or both (now that's some ACTION!)...

    That would be, without a doubt THE best birthday present I could EVER get!! Onion XD Being ravished by two gorgeous twins?! *pulls out a pen*
    Where do I sign up please?

    Oh good lord, the image of that in my head right now is seriously getting me excited. . . Onion Nosebleed

    SariLee wrote:

    *Ahem* Anyway, that picture you posted Mrs. Takagi...those cheetah print cardigans.... I can't stop laughing...Those boys' fashion senses never cease to amaze me. I feel like they could totally pull that look off if they wore jeans instead instead of those gray pants....

    You know Sari-chan, I hardly even noticed that cheetah print cardigan because I was too busy obsessing over how tiny Shin's legs are. . . Onion Outrage
    But now that I think about it, yes, that IS an interesting article of clothing lol

    I can't believe Manpei is sick. . .AGAIN! Rolling Eyes Jeez Manpei, if you want to strut around in nearly nothing, do it in the privacy of your own home when it's just you and Shinpei. . .NOT outdoors in the middle of winter Mad

    The idea of a get well card sounds really sweet! Only. . .my one concern is that by the time Man would get his card. . .he may not be sick anymore. . .
    But then again, knowing Manpei, by time it gets there he'll probably be sick again anyway. . . Neutral

    How did this guy end up with such delicate health??

    Oh yeah, and Rena-chan, the picture of Soutaro that Shin posted on his blog looks like Manpei's buddy "Sou-chan" Smile
    Man must really like this guy to still hangout with him regularly; Gekirangers ended about 5 years ago didn't it? I think it's cute Surprised

    (I once stumbled upon Sou-chan's blog a few months ago, he has a lot of photos of him and Manpei on his blog too hehe)

    And Rena-chan, I LOVE the Halloween theme for Ghoul-girls picture Onion Thumbs Up (Do the Japanese observe Halloween?) I was just thinking about how cute the twins would look if they really put on Chesire cat costumes. . .lol They remind me of sneaky little cats sometimes anyway. . .

    One last thing before I go, I found this announcement on a fellow Takagi-fans tumblr page (ichigo-kurimu):

    Takagi Shinpei will be appearing in a drama SP set to air Feb 6, 2012 on TBS at 9:00pm Tokyo time. Drama name: 湯けむりバスツアー 桜庭さやかの事件簿4
    (Yukemuri Bus Tour Sakuraba Sayaka Case File 4)

    It tells the story of bus tour guide Sakuraba Sakaya who gets involved in incidents during her tour.

    His character is named: 福本直也 (Fukumoto Naoya)

    *when I get more information I will update everyone ^^

    I've calculated the time difference and it looks like it'll be 6am MY time when it's 9pm in Tokyo. . . Onion Cursed/Down

    But, I've decided that I'll just set my alarm a little earlier and wake up to watch this mystery Shin-chan appearance on KeyHoleTV (I uploaded it onto my laptop back when Ouran was still airing and I never got rid of it. . .*winkwink*)I haven't seen Shin-chan's pretty face appear in a drama since Ouran ended, so I decided that I'll get up early just to watch him, even if it's only for a short while. . . :3 Nodding

    Anywho, if you guys don't think you'll be able to watch it, I'd be happy to fill you guys in on what happens Onion Drinks Tea

    I'm still trying to sort through my Takagi related photos to find more photos for you to jazz up Rena-chan. I still plan on making that youtube video with them, but I want to be sure that I have enough photos so the slideshow with sync up with the song I've chosen.

    I'll check in again a little later, alrighty? Onion Skipping

    P.S. I can never tell how late I am with these blog translations, and I apologize if you guys have seen it already but. . .ichigo-kurimu posted a translation of Shin's blog from January 24th. I'm putting it under spoilers.


    Ryu Rena
    Ryu Rena
    Chairman of Picture Edits

    Posts : 572
    Location : Malaysia

    Twins appreciation - Page 15 Empty Re: Twins appreciation

    Post by Ryu Rena Sun Feb 05, 2012 1:33 pm

    Mrs.Takagi wrote:The idea of a get well card sounds really sweet! Only. . .my one concern is that by the time Man would get his card. . .he may not be sick anymore. . .
    But then again, knowing Manpei, by time it gets there he'll probably be sick again anyway. . . Neutral

    Even if he's no longer sick, he should at least read our concerns of 'please wear warmer clothes during winter so you wouldn't get another flu...again...' It might strike him, after all, his fans ARE worried about him, maybe that'll do the trick.

    Or just put in Shin's baby-face picture, I'm sure he won't be able to say 'no'. Cunning Onion

    Mrs.Takagi wrote:And Rena-chan, I LOVE the Halloween theme for Ghoul-girls picture Onion Thumbs Up (Do the Japanese observe Halloween?) I was just thinking about how cute the twins would look if they really put on Chesire cat costumes. . .lol They remind me of sneaky little cats sometimes anyway. . .

    I'm not sure if they observe Halloween, but it couldn't hurt to try, Japanese love to dress up, even if they don't go trick-or-treating, maybe they have parties or others.
    If the twins do dress up..I wanna see Manpei in a Japanese-styled vampire outfit and Shinpei in a..girlish outfit. Onion Starry Eyes Wow..sleepiness makes me go insane.

    Mrs.Takagi wrote:Takagi Shinpei will be appearing in a drama SP set to air Feb 6, 2012 on TBS at 9:00pm Tokyo time
    So far, no info has been posted on what the show is, about Shinpei's character, when he appears or anything of that nature. . .all we know is that he's going to be in it. . .lol I've calculated the time difference and it looks like it'll be 6am MY time when it's 9pm in Tokyo. . . Onion Cursed/Down

    Takagi-senpai, where exactly do you live? I'm quite close to Japan, with the time difference only being an hour so here would be 8pm if Tokyo's 9pm. And it seems I've missed it..... Onion Icy Breeze So could you tell what's it about? Please..? Wooby Onion Eyes

    And I'll wait for more pictures for me to spruce up, take your time! Onion Thumbs Up
    #1 Takagi Princess

    Posts : 867
    Location : Manpei and Shinpei's apartment in Japan

    Twins appreciation - Page 15 Empty Re: Twins appreciation

    Post by Mrs.Takagi Sun Feb 05, 2012 2:35 pm

    Ryu Rena wrote:

    Takagi-senpai, where exactly do you live? I'm quite close to Japan, with the time difference only being an hour so here would be 8pm if Tokyo's 9pm. And it seems I've missed it..... Onion Icy Breeze So could you tell what's it about? Please..? Wooby Onion Eyes

    And I'll wait for more pictures for me to spruce up, take your time! Onion Thumbs Up

    I live in America, Rena-chan. Chicago to be exact Cool

    I have a "World Clock converter" app on my phone, and I use it quite often these days to tell what time it is in Japan at any given moment. (I'm sad, yes, I know. . .)

    Where do YOU live, Rena-chan? I'm sorry because I'm sure you've mentioned it before, but I can't remember. . .

    When you say "it seems I've missed it" do you mean that you've missed to program already? That can't be. . .it's only just past 3:30am in Japan right now (which means it must be just past 2:30am where you are, right?)
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    Twins appreciation - Page 15 Empty Re: Twins appreciation

    Post by SariLee Sun Feb 05, 2012 6:27 pm

    Ryu Rena wrote:
    Even if he's no longer sick, he should at least read our concerns of 'please wear warmer clothes during winter so you wouldn't get another flu...again...' It might strike him, after all, his fans ARE worried about him, maybe that'll do the trick.

    I've got a picture idea! Very Happy I'll draw it, post it on here, Rena-chan can decorate it...then we'll figure out where to go from there! Ready? BREAK!

    (so hyper right now...)

    Posts : 17
    Location : USA

    Twins appreciation - Page 15 Empty Re: Twins appreciation

    Post by ghoul-girl Sun Feb 05, 2012 9:01 pm

    Thanks guys for the compliments on the painting! It took a really long time to finish. I'm a perfectionist so if I didn't stop myself I would've ended up poking at it forever! Headesk Sweatdrop

    I could try to do another one, but I'd need ideas for what would be fun.

    I definitely plan on hanging around more! Believe it or not I'm more social than I used to be Onion Wipes Sweat, h

    @Ryu Rena - I don't mind! That's really cool! The halloween theme is perfect!

    And I've been thinking, I have no idea how someone wouldn't be able to tell them apart. It seems so easy for me now.
    I have noticed a trend amongst twins. I've known a few twins and it seems like almost always one's slightly taller, there's almost always a withdrawn one and an outgoing one. Maybe it's just me Onion Study
    Ryu Rena
    Ryu Rena
    Chairman of Picture Edits

    Posts : 572
    Location : Malaysia

    Twins appreciation - Page 15 Empty Re: Twins appreciation

    Post by Ryu Rena Mon Feb 06, 2012 12:46 am

    Mrs.Takagi wrote:Where do YOU live, Rena-chan? I'm sorry because I'm sure you've mentioned it before, but I can't remember. . .

    When you say "it seems I've missed it" do you mean that you've missed to program already? That can't be. . .it's only just past 3:30am in Japan right now (which means it must be just past 2:30am where you are, right?)

    Whoops! Maybe because me staying up so late finally messed with my brain. When I saw the computer clock it said 'Monday,February 6 2012, 2.00am'. I thought I've missed the show but in reality..it's not even aired yet. Embarassed Silly me.

    And I live in south-east Asia, Indonesia and Singapore are my neighboring countries. My country is called Malaysia.

    [On a completely random note, I heard the Giants won the Superbowl, is that true? Lol, I don't follow sports, so I don't know]

    By the way, Manpei updated again!! He said he was beyond surprised to see so much dust and other things when he was cleaning their air conditioning system and ventilation fans. He scrubbed and vacuumed it like crazy until it's shining again. Or should I say, pikapika shine Razz
    Wow, such a neatfreak, and Shinpei didn't help at all!!

    And then he went night golfing. His picture is his hand, with the golfing range background. It seems he's feeling better.

    In this blog, even with google translate, it's easy to understand, thank god for that.. Onion Wipes Sweat, h
    #1 Takagi Princess

    Posts : 867
    Location : Manpei and Shinpei's apartment in Japan

    Twins appreciation - Page 15 Empty Re: Twins appreciation

    Post by Mrs.Takagi Mon Feb 06, 2012 4:00 am

    Ryu Rena wrote:

    Whoops! Maybe because me staying up so late finally messed with my brain. When I saw the computer clock it said 'Monday,February 6 2012, 2.00am'. I thought I've missed the show but in reality..it's not even aired yet. Embarassed Silly me.

    And I live in south-east Asia, Indonesia and Singapore are my neighboring countries. My country is called Malaysia.

    [On a completely random note, I heard the Giants won the Superbowl, is that true? Lol, I don't follow sports, so I don't know]

    By the way, Manpei updated again!! He said he was beyond surprised to see so much dust and other things when he was cleaning their air conditioning system and ventilation fans. He scrubbed and vacuumed it like crazy until it's shining again. Or should I say, pikapika shine Razz
    Wow, such a neatfreak, and Shinpei didn't help at all!!

    And then he went night golfing. His picture is his hand, with the golfing range background. It seems he's feeling better.

    In this blog, even with google translate, it's easy to understand, thank god for that.. Onion Wipes Sweat, h

    Don't worry about it Rena-chan ^_^ Sleep depervation can be a scary thing. . .a few months ago when I pulled an all nighter to work on a project for school, around 4:00am I started jumping at every little noise I heard, and at one point I could've SWORN I heard my stuffed animals laughing at me. . . Shocked

    THAT'S RIGHT! You live in Malaysia! I remember you telling me that now. Cool, cool. So does this mean you'll be up watching Shin's appearance in this drama thingy? (I don't even know how long he'll be in it or when he even appears. . .but I'm such a diehard fangirl, I'm gonna just sit pretty and wait till he shows up anyway!! cheers )

    Oh yeah, the New York Giants won the Super Bowl. . .I didn't watch it lol I mostly watch basketball and usually I'll watch football games, but my city's team (The Chicago Bears) had a horrible season last year and didn't even make it to the Super Bowl, so I could careless which team won this year. . .lol

    I read about Manpei's little cleaning spree earlier too Razz I'm not surprised Shinpei didn't help *snicker* but I just can't help but giggle at the fact that Manpei is such a neatfreak. . . Big Laugh I recall Shin mentioning that he likes to keep his room nice and clean though. . .

    Who would've guessed that two bachelors living together could be so darn tidy? (LOL @ "pikapika" shine)

    I saw his golf photo too. . .he really seems to enjoy that, huh? I can respect that because I don't have the patience for golf, not to mention I lack the attention span for watching it on TV. . . Onion Yawn

    ghoul-girl wrote:And I've been thinking, I have no idea how someone wouldn't be able to tell them apart. It seems so easy for me now.
    I have noticed a trend amongst twins. I've known a few twins and it seems like almost always one's slightly taller, there's almost always a withdrawn one and an outgoing one. Maybe it's just me.

    I hear ya on that one. I still see a lot of comments of people saying that can't tell Manpei and Shinpei apart. And in my mind, I'm thinking "What are you. . .headless??"
    Especially back when they first debuted between 2006-2007, people say they looked identical, but even then I'm like "They still look quite different."

    To me, Shinpei always look like he's giggling (or about to giggle) at something. . .lol I remember watching him during the Nachural photoshoot videos, and even when nothing particularly interesting was going on, he always had this. . .amused look on his face Smile And when he's not giggling he's pouting. . .but Manpei tends to be more expressive with his eyes and body language.

    I've only met a few twins in my lifetime (I have cousins who are twins, but they're around my parents age and live miles and miles away so I don't see them that often.)
    I always thought that the slight physical and personality differences between twins only happened between fraternal twins (like the Olsen twins for example). I'm still confused as how Man and Shin ended up looking so different even though they're supposed to be identical *shrugs*

    Still trying to pick out some photos for ya Rena-chan (I'll post them later on, I PROMISE!!) But it's almost 2:00am here right now and I have to take a quick catnap before waking up again in about 3 hours. . .

    [Food for thought: If Shin-chan is appearing in a drama special, that means that he must have filmed it within the past few months right? I wonder why he didn't mention anything about it. . .? Neutral ]

    Oyasuminasai. . . . Onion Sleepy Time
    Ryu Rena
    Ryu Rena
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    Post by Ryu Rena Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:34 am

    Mrs.Takagi wrote:THAT'S RIGHT! You live in Malaysia! I remember you telling me that now. Cool, cool. So does this mean you'll be up watching Shin's appearance in this drama thingy? (I don't even know how long he'll be in it or when he even appears. . .but I'm such a diehard fangirl, I'm gonna just sit pretty and wait till he shows up anyway!! cheers )

    Sadly..no. Because here, there aren't many channels showing Japanese shows. And the biggest Japanese channel being Animax, and even it doesn't show Shin's drama thingy! Onion Runs Away Onion To Kill Onion Tantrum Rain on My Parade I wanted to suggest a few shows to Animax, like Ouran, both anime and live action.
    But somehow there's no place for me to write out my suggestion.

    So I'm depending on you to tell me what happen in there. Wooby Onion Eyes

    Mrs.Takagi wrote:I read about Manpei's little cleaning spree earlier too Razz I'm not surprised Shinpei didn't help *snicker* but I just can't help but giggle at the fact that Manpei is such a neatfreak. . . Big Laugh I recall Shin mentioning that he likes to keep his room nice and clean though. . .

    Who would've guessed that two bachelors living together could be so darn tidy? (LOL @ "pikapika" shine)

    I saw his golf photo too. . .he really seems to enjoy that, huh? I can respect that because I don't have the patience for golf, not to mention I lack the attention span for watching it on TV. . . Onion Yawn

    He is a neatfreak. Remember their divorce? Manpei says his house is really clean now that Shinpei isn't there to mess it up. I bet Shin learnt not to mess with Man's cleanliness the hard way. Cunnin Onion Idea

    Lol, I'm glad at least one of them's tidy. I can't bear it if both of them being either neatfreaks or non-neatfreaks, it'll be a total nightmare! And considering how Manpei's much more calm of the two, golf suits him nicely. I'm a bit like Manpei, I like serenity and have TONS of patience Onion Drinks Tea

    Unless push comes to shove. Only then will I explode. I believe Manpei's just the same. He may be shy and quiet with people, but in actuality (from what Shinpei said), he's rather demanding and bossy.
    Typical older brother type Onion Laugh

    And if I'm not mistaken, these two just adores strong people. I've read it somewhere that they like those kind of people, be it boy or girl.
    Shin-chan, Man-chan, not that I like to brag but..I take taekwondo and is considered to be in quite a high level. Onion Laugh So if I go to Japan and you see a girl pounding the daylights out of robbers or such...that'd be me.

    Mrs.Takagi wrote:[Food for thought: If Shin-chan is appearing in a drama special, that means that he must have filmed it within the past few months right? I wonder why he didn't mention anything about it. . .? Neutral ]

    Maybe he wanted it to be a surprise or something? scratch Knowing Shinpei, he would wait till the very end to announce what he's been doing the past few months. I bet he's like that. Yeah..I bet.
    #1 Takagi Princess

    Posts : 867
    Location : Manpei and Shinpei's apartment in Japan

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    Post by Mrs.Takagi Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:48 am

    Alrighty. . .there's a commercial break on right now and it's been about half an hour since Shinpei appeared on screen. At this point it doesn't seem like his character is central to the plot and for the moment, it doesn't look like he'll be showing up again, so I figured that I can give a quick summary of his brief cameo. . .

    He showed up about 5 or 6 minutes after the show first starts. (Keep in mind since their aren't any subtitles, I'm just guessing at what's going on here.)

    So I guess that the main female character has come home from work one night and is greeted by her family. As she's making her way into the house, I guess her son tells her that his sister has brought her boyfriend (Shinpei) home to meet everyone and. . .

    *laughs hysterically for about 5 minutes*

    Good Lord, I wish I could just show you a picture instead. . .it would be so much better than me describing it to you. . .

    The minute I realized it was Shin, I just couldn't believe it. . .

    He was decked out in this 80's goth/punk rock getup, leather jacket,leather boots, spikey jewelry, his spiked hair was at least two feet high and was dyed purple at the ends, and I think I saw a thin silver chain nose ring conncented to his earring in his left ear. . . Laughing

    I don't know if the mom was delusional or just really open minded, but she apparently approved of her daughter's boyfriend and invited him to stay for dinner. . .lol
    He was only onscreen for about 60 seconds, but that was indeed a most hilarious 60 seconds! The most funny part definitely had to be his hair. . .I'm like "This guy probably sat in a make-up chair for at least an hour to have is hair set, just to appear on screen for maybe a minute. . ." Onion Laugh

    So yeah, it seems like it was just a little comic relief moment before actually getting to the main plot of the show. The drama itself is this sort of comedy/drama/mystery type thing.

    Meh. . .not particularly interesting to be honest, but. . .*shrugs*

    Man and Shin really know how to throw their weight around with the roles they play, no matter how big or small. . .I'll definitely give them that Onion Thumbs Up

    Ryu Rena
    Ryu Rena
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    Post by Ryu Rena Mon Feb 06, 2012 9:09 am

    Mrs.Takagi wrote:Good Lord, I wish I could just show you a picture instead. . .it would be so much better than me describing it to you. . .

    The minute I realized it was Shin, I just couldn't believe it. . .

    He was decked out in this 80's goth/punk rock getup, leather jacket,leather boots, spikey jewelry, his spiked hair was at least two feet high and was dyed purple at the ends, and I think I saw a thin silver chain nose ring conncented to his earring in his left ear. . . Laughing

    Onion Outrage NOW THAT'S AN ENTRANCE!!
    That was just..it was..buh.. Wow, I'm speechless. And that was just a description, if I were to look at the real thing, my heart would probably stop beating altogether! To think our dear, sweet Shinpei in that getup is like..what?!

    Thanks for the short summary Takagi-senpai! Onion Thumbs Up

    Makes me wonder..how does Manpei react? Cunnin Onion Idea
    #1 Takagi Princess

    Posts : 867
    Location : Manpei and Shinpei's apartment in Japan

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    Post by Mrs.Takagi Mon Feb 06, 2012 9:21 am

    Ryu Rena wrote:

    Onion Outrage NOW THAT'S AN ENTRANCE!!
    That was just..it was..buh.. Wow, I'm speechless. And that was just a description, if I were to look at the real thing, my heart would probably stop beating altogether! To think our dear, sweet Shinpei in that getup is like..what?!

    Thanks for the short summary Takagi-senpai! Onion Thumbs Up

    Makes me wonder..how does Manpei react? Cunnin Onion Idea

    I'm telling you Rena-chan, an actual picture really would have been worth a thousand words. . .you'd have to see it to believe it!

    I probably missed a few other details, because I couldn't stop laughing at him. In my head I'm like "I can't believe he really went through with this. . . Shocked "

    I can't imagine what Manpei would think if he watched it. Then again, he knows Shin better than anyone else, so maybe he would not have been AS surprised as the rest of us. . .lol

    It's that hair that really got me. . .I don't know how they did it, but there's no way all of that was his real hair, it was just TOO high affraid

    Whatever this drama special is, it's still on. I was trying to wait to see it all the way to the end (because I thought it would just be about an hour long) but it's been an hour an a half and I have to get ready for school in a bit, so I think I'll just stop it here for now.

    I saw the part that I came to see, so I'm happy Very Happy
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    Post by setolove Mon Feb 06, 2012 10:15 am

    I really wasn't expecting him to be in such clothes.....AND THE HAIR!!! *laughing more*

    So my friend and I were watching it this morning (the drama just ended a couple of mins ago)and we couldn't stop laughing at how Shinpei looked.
    Ok so in that part, Shinpei's character (I think my friend said that he was Naoya, not sure though) came to the girl's home to ask the mom permission to marry her daughter. XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
    Then the girl was scolding Shinpei's character and told him that he shouldn't have come dressed like that. But it turns out that the mom actually aproved!! LOL!!! Shinpei had said that he wanted to meet her mom dressed as how he is. (sort of like "not hiding who he truly is" LOL!) And then the mom aproved because she said that not many guys think like that. XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD So that's why she invited him to stay over. :'D

    BUT JUST THE WHOLE SCENE WAS EPIC!!!! <33333333333333
    Oh and the rest of the drama was really interesting!! *_____*
    Good thing I had my friend to help me understand some more~ :3

    Oh and Manpei just updated his blog (just as the drama ended btw~~~~~~~~) and he has a PS3......lol
    Since my friend knows Japanese, she told me that Manpei said that he will spend the night playing on the PS3 with Shinpei~~ :3 Nodding :3 Nodding :3 Nodding :3 Nodding :3 Nodding :3 Nodding :3 Nodding
    Oh and that Manpei's body is sore from playing too much golf. OTL
    Anyways, I have to go to class now so bye bye~~
    Ryu Rena
    Ryu Rena
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    Post by Ryu Rena Mon Feb 06, 2012 10:41 am

    Onion Laugh I bet the hair is the thing that would catch EVERYONE'S attention for those who watched the show. I bet they're quite long by now. I really want them both to keep it until it reaches down on their neck like when they were younger.

    SariLee wrote:Oh and Manpei just updated his blog (just as the drama ended btw~~~~~~~~) and he has a PS3......lol
    Since my friend knows Japanese, she told me that Manpei said that he will spend the night playing on the PS3 with Shinpei~~ :3 Nodding :3 Nodding :3 Nodding :3 Nodding :3 Nodding :3 Nodding :3 Nodding
    Oh and that Manpei's body is sore from playing too much golf. OTL
    Anyways, I have to go to class now so bye bye~~

    I just saw it too. And aww~~.. Onion Starry Eyes Onion Starry Eyes Onion Starry Eyes Manpei playing the night off with Shinpei. Bet they won't be sleeping tonight. I know how addicting that thing can be.
    I once played ps3 with my cousin for 5 hours straight Headesk Sweatdrop Hopefully Manpei gets better soon.

    And I hope Shin massaged him while he's at it. Gleaming Onion Eyes Cunning Onion

    GHOUL-GIRL-SAN!! You said you want ideas, right? Could you draw the twins sleeping under a shady tree one beautiful afternoon? One would be sleeping, the other playing with his brother's hair or poking his cheeks. And with your permission, I could edit it like last time.

    C-could you do that? Wooby Onion Eyes
    #1 Takagi Princess

    Posts : 867
    Location : Manpei and Shinpei's apartment in Japan

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    Post by Mrs.Takagi Mon Feb 06, 2012 1:20 pm


    Ladies, I am proud to introduce to you. . .Fukumoto Naoya Onion Laugh

    *starts the laugh fest all over again. . . Laughing *


    (I stand corrected, I guess that was all his real hair. . .hehe)

    This is just too much. . .I swear I'm not gonna get ANY work done today. . .this image is burned on my brain. . .Oh Shin, I just love you so much. . . I love you

    [Update: Shin also updated his blog a couple of hours ago. He posted another picture of food. . .surprise,surprise. But I think he knew about his mini appearance in the drama special last night/this morning and he asked everyone's opinion on it. I think he also talked about how he likes being versatile as an actor; not playing the same type of roles over and over again: he mentioned how he's played a butler, a high school student, a rocker and recently a samurai. The rest of the translation didn't make any sense, but I can tell that he was just pleased with his ability to challenge himself with different roles. Surprised

    He talked about something else that I couldn't quite make out, and then he ended off talking about whatever he had just finished eating. . .lol

    I'm seriously considering buying a diamond ring and proposing to this guy someday VERY soon. . .]
    Gemini Rose
    Gemini Rose
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    Post by Gemini Rose Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:13 pm

    Hi, I'm newish to posting here. I've only posted once, but I have been having computer troubles. Onion Tantrum

    Anyway I made some Wallpapers and decided to share. I'm not 100% happy with them, but I lost all my fonts, textures and brushes when the computer crashed.

    Also I know Manpei hair is too blue. Onion Cursed/Down

    I'm hoping I got the names right. Japanese writing is hard (for me). If someone could let me know if it's correct that would be great, then I can change it.

    Um. . . yeah. *backs out of forum*

    Wallpaper 1
    Wallpaper 2
    #1 Takagi Princess

    Posts : 867
    Location : Manpei and Shinpei's apartment in Japan

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    Post by Mrs.Takagi Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:47 pm

    Welcome RT_UK! cheers

    We're always on board for new fangirls Smile Please feel free to spam us with lots of posts and pictures in the future, 'kay?

    I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE the pictures you made, they're awesome! Actually, I plan on making a video with the pictures that Rena-chan (Ryu Rena) has made, and with your permission, is it alright if I save your photos and add them to my slideshow as well?

    (It's okay if you say "no" too. I promise I won't use them without your permission Wink )

    And I adore your avatar too, it's my dream to have that very same picture blown up and framed so I can hang it over my bed someday. . . Onion XD

    Oh, and you have their names written correctly. Very good job Onion Thumbs Up

    So apparently, Takagi fan girls from all over the place are still buzzing over Shinpei's 2 minute cameo form earlier. . .lol
    And since I've been riding on that very same buzz for the past 12 hours, here's more photos from Shin's epic appearance Cunning Onion

    I keep trying not to laugh. . .IT'S NOT WORKING!!!!


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    Post by Thepinkbookworm Mon Feb 06, 2012 10:10 pm

    Can I just say that his jacket, with all those patches and pins, reminds me of a boy scout? A really freaky, emo, punk boy scout, but a boy scout none the less. I know, random thought, but I thought that I would share it Smile

    But he still totally pulls it off, and that is what's so cool Very Happy

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